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Search: BP1243
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BP1243 Bongard Problems on the OEBP with certain examples that have not yet been proved to fit where they are currently sorted vs. Bongard Problems in which all included examples have been proved to fit where they are.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "missingproofs" on the OEBP.

This is an administrative keyword to help us keep track of what Bongard Problems we still need to check for correctness.

The description should indicate which examples are still in need of checking. Once proofs are found, the keyword "missingproofs" can be removed.

The keyword noproofs is similar. The difference is whether we want/expect to find proofs.


Bongard Problems tagged "missingproofs" should necessarily be hardsort.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1238 BP1239 BP1240 BP1241 BP1242  *  BP1244 BP1245 BP1246 BP1247 BP1248


meta (see left/right), links, keyword, instruction, time


Aaron David Fairbanks

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