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BP158 Some slope vs. another slope.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP153 BP154 BP155 BP156 BP157  *  BP159 BP160 BP161 BP162 BP163


dual, arbitrary, rotate, traditional

CONCEPT line_slope (info | search),
specific_value (info | search),
specificity (info | search)


Harry E. Foundalis

BP229 When the objects are rotated and their dots are overlapped and eliminated, they form three-square-tall structures with columns of the same color vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Explanation / justification of BP229 by its creator:

"Long (doubly sized) objects are purines (A & G).

Short objects are pyrimidines (C & T).

Black are those forming triple Hbond (G and C).

White are those forming double Hbond (A & T).

On the left we have matching codes, i.e., bases, doublets or triplets that, when rotated, can pair correctly (A with T, G with C), binding the two strands.

On the right we have objects that no matter how they are rotated they do not pair correctly (because of bumps, wrong color codes, etc)."


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP224 BP225 BP226 BP227 BP228  *  BP230 BP231 BP232 BP233 BP234


unorderedpair, traditional

CONCEPT rotation_required (info | search),
tiling (info | search),
specific_value (info | search),
specificity (info | search)


Giuseppe Insana

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