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Revision history for BP534

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BP534 on 2023-09-18 01:23:08 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP534 on 2023-06-16 17:17:55 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP534 on 2023-06-16 17:09:55 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP534 on 2023-06-16 16:51:11 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP534 on 2023-06-16 16:42:40 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP534 on 2022-12-29 22:43:31 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This is the keyword "dual" on the OEBP.

Given an example there is some way to "flip sides" by altering it. The left-to-right and right-to-left transformations should be inverses.

It is not required that there only be one such transformation. For example, for many @handed Bongard Problem, flipping an example over any axis will reliably switch its sorting.

It is not required that every left example must have its corresponding right example uploaded on the OEBP nor vice versa. See the keyword @contributepairs for the BPs the OEBP advises users upload left and right examples for in pairs.

BP534 on 2022-12-29 22:01:22 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This is the keyword "dual" on the OEBP.

Given an example there is some way to "flip sides" by altering it. The left-to-right and right-to-left transformations should be inverses.

It is not required that there only be one such transformation. For example, for many @handed Bongard Problem, flipping an example over any axis will reliably switch its sorting.

It is not required that every left example must have its corresponding right example uploaded on the OEBP nor vice versa. See left-BP919 for the BPs the OEBP advises users upload left and right examples for in pairs.

BP534 on 2021-12-14 12:57:41 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2021-12-13 20:30:42 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2021-12-12 16:48:36 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2021-12-12 16:42:14 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2021-12-12 04:11:22 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP534 on 2021-12-12 04:09:51 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP534 on 2021-12-10 16:22:19 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2021-02-24 02:02:20 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2021-02-10 11:57:01 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems such that potential left examples can intuitively be put in bijection with potential right examples vs. other Bongard Problems.

BP534 on 2021-02-10 11:32:50 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This is the keyword "dual" on the OEBP.

Given an example there is some way to "flip sides" by altering it. The left-to-right and right-to-left transformations should be inverses.

It is not required that there only be one such transformation. For example, for many "handed" problems (left-BP552), flipping an example over any axis will reliably switch its sorting.

It is not required that every left example must have its corresponding right example uploaded on the OEBP nor vice versa. See left-BP919 for the BPs the OEBP advises users upload left and right examples for in pairs.

BP534 on 2021-02-09 21:20:31 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems such that potential left examples can be put in "natural" bijection with potential right examples vs. other Bongard Problems.

BP534 on 2021-01-20 15:57:51 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2020-12-22 20:49:01 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2020-12-21 18:31:29 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2020-12-21 18:30:16 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2020-12-20 22:22:11 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2020-12-18 19:22:38 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP534 on 2020-12-18 16:34:06 by Leo Crabbe                approved


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